The better the digital equipment, the more fun you have with totally basic CDs. Of course I would prefer to have all digitized recordings in HighRes format, but most of the digitized music I like to hear is contained on CDs. On the other hand, the resolution of a regular CD is so high on the totaldac that actually a desire for HighRes is not that great. Finally, the component with no ifs, ands or buts? This is not available - in any price category. As mentioned before, the bass and tonic reproduction is a bit slimmer than usual, however very accurate. This only applies when the amplifiers are directly driven. One could classify this in the "it's a matter of taste" category.
Vincent Brient has earned my highest respect. All of this was achieved by a "one man show!" There is still no German distributor for his products, but if you are interested in auditioning his equipment, you can have it sent for a 10-day trial. Incidentally, Brient speaks English very well.
CD Transport | Ayon CD-T |
DAC | Borbely Audio DAC |
Turntable | Apolyt |
Tonearm | Triplanar |
Cartridge | Clearaudio Goldmund, van den Hul Grasshopper |
Preamp | Shindo Monbrison |
Poweramp | Shindo Cortese, Thomas Mayer 6HS5 PSE, 45 SET |
Speakers | WVL A100i, Ancient Audio Studio Oslo |
Cables | Audio Consulting RCA Reference, Auditorium 23 LS |
Output voltage | 1.4V rms |
Output tubes | ECC82/12AU7 |
Inputs | USB 192 kHz asynchrones Xmos, Toslink, S/PDIF, AES/EBU |
Dimensions (W/H/D) | 36 x 11 x 29cm |
Price | 6960 Euro |
Weight | 6.5 kg |
MANUFACTURER totaldac, France | |
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Website | |
Distributor | No German distributor yet. For those interested, Brient offers the possibility to audition his equipment in your home for 10 days without any obligation. |
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