Of course, I also played high-definition formats on a Macbook Pro with Amarra software. Brient recommends the software JPLAY in the "extreme hibernate" mode. Then, all the troublemakers such as the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and everything else like that should be turned off. But this only works with Windows computers. So back to the Macbook and the selection Keith Jarrett's “Köln Concert”. I have the record, CD and 24/96 HighRes versions. The differences between the CD and HighRes are minimal and in a double blind test, I would probably have difficulties.
Next, I tried a 24/192 recording: “A Trace of Grace” by Michel Godard. I have an advantage with his recording because I have also heard this group live and therefore, I can really imagine what this should sound like. Here again, the difference to the Redbook format is not such that it would cause me sleepless nights. It was most noticeable with the violin by Fanny Pacoult. It sounds a bit more natural on the high-definition format. Admittedly, this may be the decisive improvement for a classical music fan. Nevertheless, it is remarkable what the totaldac brings out of the Redbook format.
And now with a vengeance: In a heroic self-experiment, I then played a file with the lousy sampling rate of 256 kbits/s, ZZ Top Live: “Blue Jeans Blues”. I was totally blown away how the totaldac dealt with this recording. Actually, I was expecting the worst, but the incredible force of the music from the three men with the long beards is amazingly live sounding. The quality of the recording as well - the tube DAC didn't gloss over anything. Of course, no fine resolution is required here - which doesn't exist. I didn't want to subject myself to a classical recording in this format. Nevertheless, it was quite amazing. Um, a plea for the mp3 - or whatever that thing is called - this is certainly not one!
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