I have been really lucky with my colleagues. They sit and listen with great concentration at large trade fairs with less than ideal demonstration room conditions while I use these events mostly just to talk to old friends and new manufacturers. At this year's High End, the Göbel loudspeakers made a lasting impression on Jürgen Saile, Wolfgang Kemper and Helmut Baumgartner. They reported this to me in great detail. Since the speakers are manufactured in the same region as Gröbenzell, for me “the damage was quickly estimated” as they like to say around here. It only takes 20 minutes by car to get to Göbel High End in Alling: In the company's own listening room, I can make up for lost time at the show and demonstrate the quality of Epoque to myself. Here, like at the High End the top model, the Epoque Reference is playing. My listening room is not nearly large enough to accommodate these more than 2 meter tall sound sculptures. And that is why I'm glad that, although the Epoque model normally is only made to order, a visually elegant, but after all, 100 kg Fine is at my disposal for a few weeks. For what I hear in Alling immediately triggers my ‘must have’ and ‘must test’ impulses.
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