Nominated for a Grammy in the category "Best Engineered Album, Classical" was the team that recorded and mastered John Williams' 2nd Violin Concerto with Anne-Sophie Mutter and the Boston Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer: Bernhard Güttler, Shawn Murphy, Nick Squire and Christoph Stickel. Congratulations!
Hifistatement has taken the award as an opportunity to publish the interview with Christoph Stickel, which we did before we knew about the nomination, today again in written form a bit streamlined and linguistically smoothed in German and also in English. I readily admit that I would have spared the work of turning the audio recording of the interview published in German some weeks ago into text if our cooperation partners and had not also been interested in this interview. But even Luis Fernandes, who as a graduate translator firmly rooted in the hi-fi scene is responsible for most of our English texts, declined a simultaneous translation. That let only the written form.
But back to the Grammys: last night the awards for the productions released in 2022 were handed out. In the category "Best Engineered Album, Classical", a total of five albums were nominated. One of them was the one mentioned above, which unfortunately was not the winner. But the nomination alone may be considered a special award.
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