In the second part of the company report on HEM and Ferrum, company owner Marcin Hamerla is going to introduce his engineers. It is a very young team on whose ingenuity he can rely and trust. During my visit, the development of the next Ferrum model is already running through its final stages.
After having taken a look at the production of the HYPSOS and the OOR, Marcin and I return to the front area of the large production room. Here Marcin introduces me to his engineers. Maksymilian Matuszak, Artur Grdeń and Kamil Kubik are responsible for hardware development and sit on the outside of two large tables, while the head of the development department Paweł Gorgoń and the three software developers Arkadiusz Bochyński, Andrzej Dziwiński and Jarosław Jabłoński sit on the inside of the two tables. During my stay at HEM, there is a lively exchange between all the colleagues. In line with the photo session, colleague Bochyński, called Bochen by everyone, is wearing the T-shirt that his colleagues presented to him at his farewell party a few days ago. The shirt bears the inscription "this -> isBochen();", followed by a code, which holds for a prime example of the family cohesion that prevails at HEM. At the end of the week, the software developer will have his last workday. Feverishly, he and his colleagues are preparing the implementation of the software for the microcontroller of the USB interface intended for the upcoming Ferrum models. Before their colleague will leave HEM, they definitely want to do one more test run, as a farewell gift, so to speak. It is rather unusual that a USB interface like this is not based on standards. On the other hand, a self-developed interface naturally offers much more flexibility and consistency in the development of future devices. The fact that Marcin lets his developers spend their time on this instead of simply buying-in shows how individually the engineers develop and build according to their own ideas and preferences, or are allowed to respectively. Generally speaking, Marcin emphasizes that the most important thing about the company is their employees and their influence on the finished product. Of course, all Ferrum products in the planning are as well based on a market analysis, and there is a rough roadmap of which product types are going to be released and in what order. However, how each product will be technically designed is mainly based on the engineers' assessments, and it's not uncommon for Ferrum that less conventional technologies make their way. At Ferrum, it is important not only to craft high-quality devices, but also to explore new, innovative and creative paths.
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