The first part of my report gave insights into the production of cables, electronics and loudspeakers, and we documented the production of the crucial part for Børresens Silver Supreme series as well. In the following it's all about experiences with the new loudspeaker and electronics lines in the company's listening rooms and a visit to the Danish Technological Institute in Aarhus.
Ansuz sets greatest value on a clean power supply. For this reason, Emil Kristensen and Morton Thyrrested demonstrated in their first listening room what kind of effect the different quality and price levels of the Mainz power distributors and Mainz power cables had on the sound of a manageable chain consisting of Aavik U-150 integrated amplifier with converter module, Primare CD player and Naim music server. The sonic differences in the power distribution units were easy to spell out, even if these - and later also the cables - stepped into price ranges that were not necessarily appropriate compared to the rest of the system. Especially the investment in a superior power cable between power socket and power distributor was remunerated with an immense gain in sound. Dedicated hi-fi fans naturally know about the importance of a good power supply, but much weightier to me than the awareness of a chain being only as good as the power supply allows it to, turned out to be the experience that any additional investment in Ansuz network technology in round terms leads to a significantly better playback quality: The price/sound ratio in the Ansuz portfolio is therefore right.
In the second listening room, which had a slight bass boost and will therefore - as already mentioned - be refurbished by an acoustics specialist shortly, the new electronic lines from Aavik were presented. Each of the 180 and 280 series comprises an integrated amplifier, a phono stage, a streamer and a D/A converter. Each model of the 180 series is priced at 6,000 euros, the 280 series, which shows up with a more sophisticated filtering concept, costs 10,000 euros each. The phono preamp operates unbalanced, while the integrated amplifiers with their resonant mode power supplies deliver 300 watts per channel and the streamer features its own Aavik streaming app. We listened to the I-280 integrated amplifier with the S-180 streamer and the D-180 respectively D-280 converters. The additional use of Aavik/Ansuz technologies such as Active Tesla Coils and Active Cable Tesla Coils in the "bigger" DAC made a significant difference in sound.
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