
A visit to Ansuz, Aavik and Børresen - Part 2

08.01.2021 // Dirk Sommer, Birgit Hammer (Photos)

I hadn't mentioned this before: The Sparkz are plugged into a free power socket to minimize disturbances from the power grid. There are two quality levels. The parallel connection of two or more Sparkz is said to increase the effect
I hadn't mentioned this before: The Sparkz are plugged into a free power socket to minimize disturbances from the power grid. There are two quality levels. The parallel connection of two or more Sparkz is said to increase the effect

On Friday, after a short meeting at the company's headquarters, we went to the Technological Institute in Aarhus, about 120 kilometers away. There the surfaces of Ansuz and Børresen products undergo a refining process. The term "particle accelerator" occasionally appears in the product information. Oh yes, to begin with there are two smaller facilities of this kind there, which take care of accelerating particles with a voltage of 200,000 volts and shoot them at the objects to be treated. Secondly, there is even a reference to the huge facility in Geneva, which is operated by the European organization for nuclear research CERN: For them, parts are surface treated in Aarhus. However, the devices that give the Ansuz Darkz feet, for example, an extremely hard surface are correctly called "Magnetron Sputtering Units" and the process which the Ansuz objects undergo is called "HiPIMS deposition", the abreviation HiPIMS standing for High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering: The objects are placed in a chamber, which is evacuated by two large high vacuum pumps. Argon gas is then fed into the chamber and argon atoms are shot at the surfaces of the objects to free them from any trace of oxidation. The argon particles then release atoms from ingots made from the metal species intended to be bonded to the surfaces. These are then accelerated onto the objects with a voltage of 1,000 volts. This energy-consuming process takes 62 hours. Bjarke Holl Christensen, Senior Specialist for Tribology and Materials at the Technological Institute, points out, and not without a touch of pride, that this process is not subject to chemical laws. The compounding of materials realized here happens solely because of the high kinetic energy with which atoms are shot into the surface of the objects. Whether it's about particle accelerators or Magnetron Sputtering Units: The effort required to refine the surfaces of Ansuz and Børresen products is enormous.

The next stop is listening room number 2, where Aavik's 180 and 280 series were presented. Externally, the components of the two lines cannot be distinguished
The next stop is listening room number 2, where Aavik's 180 and 280 series were presented. Externally, the components of the two lines cannot be distinguished

Morton Thyrrested replaces the D-180 converter with its D-280 counterpart, which is identical in terms of looks and circuitry - at least as far as the signal processing is concerned. As with the Mainz power distributors or switches, however, more filters against mains and HF debris in the more expensive models ensure a better sound. Also here, this was clearly audible
Morton Thyrrested replaces the D-180 converter with its D-280 counterpart, which is identical in terms of looks and circuitry - at least as far as the signal processing is concerned. As with the Mainz power distributors or switches, however, more filters against mains and HF debris in the more expensive models ensure a better sound. Also here, this was clearly audible

This is the sofa in the listening room where the top-of-the-range system is installed. The room is obviously only moderately treated, but allows the finest changes to become apparent
This is the sofa in the listening room where the top-of-the-range system is installed. The room is obviously only moderately treated, but allows the finest changes to become apparent

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