
STATEMENT In High Fidelity | Polish Edition 2020

20.11.2020 // Dirk Sommer

Times have not yet returned to normal, the 24th edition of the Audio Video Show in Warsaw will not take place this year, but has been postponed to 5-7 November next year. Nevertheless it is time to announce the two winners of the Statement in High Fidelity│Polish Edition 2020: Ayon and Transrotor.


Oops, he did it again! Our colleague Wojtek Pacula just can't stop. After the Statement in High Fidelity│German Edition 2020 for the Gryphon Ethos, he has once again awarded a classic SACD player with one of our two prizes: the Ayon Audio CD-35 II HF Edition. Even the first version of the CD-35 HF was only available in limited quantities: the 50 copies of the High Fidelity Edition sold out quite quickly. Wojtek Pacula's online magazine is mentioned in the player's name because, according to well-informed circles, Ayon owner Gerhard Hirt, Robert Szklarz, Ayon's Polish distributor, and Wojtek during a long, wet and cheerful night - let's say: - developed the idea for this version, picked with the best components. No wonder, then, that the SACD player with the initials of his publication in the official device designation serves as a reference in the colleague's daily work. And now, parallel to the new Ayon Audio CD-35 II Signature, there is also an HF version. This time the noble version is limited to a quantity of - nomen est omen - 35 units. The price will be 20.000 Euro. However, the Ayon Audio CD-35 II HF Edition was finished so late that the colleague was able to listen to it extensively, but was not yet able to publish the review. This will be the case at the beginning of December, and not too long after that we will present the German version here. Another piece of good news for all those who, like Hifistatement's streaming specialist Roland Dietl - and, yes, the author as well - wonder about Wojtek's unbroken affinity to SACD players: The converter of the Ayon Audio CD-35 II HF Edition can of course also be used for other digital sources. 


As has often been mentioned in this context, there is complete autonomy in the selection of the respective prizewinner: Wojtek and I do not in any way talk the other one into it - even if High Fidelity's choice should happen to fall on an expensive player again for the Statement in High Fidelity│German Edition 2021 at the time of the next High End. Such different perspectives make our joint awarding of the prize exciting. The fact that the digital equipment from Ayon is highly appreciated in both editorial offices is shown on the Hifistatement side by Roland Dietl's report on the network player(!) S10 and the fact that Jürgen Saile uses an - albeit modified - Ayon CDT for his tests. Conversely, I'm sure that Wojtek will also find Hifistatement's choice for the Statement in High Fidelity│Polish Edition 2020 very exciting: He has already ordered our prize winner for a test in High Fidelity that is independent of our assessment: the Transrotor TRA 9.


The fact alone that one of the most renowned German turntable manufacturers is presenting a completely independently designed tonearm for the first time in 49 years is already suspect for an award, but it would not be enough for me. However, if the development trio - Jochen and Dirk Räke as well as Lars Hornung - have created a very easily adjustable, very finely crafted and tonally convincing arm as their first throw, this is a weighty Statement in High Fidelity for us. The TRA 9 convinces above all by the fact that it enables pickups with medium to low compliance to achieve top sound performance without being hearable itself. More detailed information in German can be found in the recently published review in Hifistatement, from 18th of November on there in English and soon also in High Fidelity in Polish.


Unfortunately, we will have to revert to the tried and tested flight cases for shipping when awarding the prizes. A personal meeting of all participants seems to be impossible in the near future. Instead of a joint visit to a restaurant, it will probably have to remain a virtual meeting this time as well. We will keep you up to date.

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