Since the Comtesse didn’t take very long to make a lasting impression on me, either when it came to joyful listening or when taking the gloves off with the relevant test tracks, I really wanted to offer them better acoustical conditions. As I noticed after moving my Goebel Epoque Aeon Fine from the study to the living room, latter makes it much easier for speakers to perform, especially in the lows: There is neither a gap in the low frequencies nor do room modes disturb the bass range. Since the left speaker is closer to the sloping ceiling than the right one, the balance shifts a bit to the left, especially with tall speakers like the Acapella Violon VI – an effect that was, however, less pronounced with the less tall Epoque Aeon Fine. That's why I suggested to Oliver Goebel that he should set up the Comtesse in the living room. He didn't think twice and agreed without hesitation. It, however, then took much longer to persuade the perfectionist to get the Divin moved out of the study. Although I had already dismissed the issue of the listening room, he insisted on spending over an hour there experimenting with the placement of the Comtesse to minimize the effect of the low-frequency dip. He succeeded in doing so by placing the listening chairs very close to the back wall, but in my opinion this lead to a negative effect on the sense of space.
Perhaps I should add that moving to the living room should not be considered as an audiophile descent, as the system there has improved significantly in recent years: Einstein's The Preamp and The Poweramp are in charge of amplification here. They are connected with a balanced Swiss Cable Reference Plus, while an Audioquest Dragon Bi-Wire connects the power amplifier and the loudspeakers. The room is connected to the network via Media Converters fed by linear power supplies and a single-mode Duplex optical fibre cable. Digital signals are processed by Chord Electronics' M-Scaler and converted by a Hugo TT 2. Usually, a 2GO and a 2YU – originating from Chord Electronics as well – serve as network transport. But I didn't want to impose these little boxes on Oliver Goebel and the Comtesse. Since I made best experiences with the Lumin U2, I asked Krey Baumgartl for an exciting alternative. He suggested the brand-new T3X, which I could use as a network transport before it would move to a colleague for testing afterwards.
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