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Göbel High End Divin Comtesse

20.02.2025 // Dirk Sommer

The Divin Comtesse had been introduced by Oliver Goebel at last year's High End show: The two speakers, which are petite by Goebel High End standards, filled the large room impressively with sound in conjunction with a subwoofer. Series production has now taken off, so a pair also found its way into my listening room – but it had to wave farewell soon.

The Comtesse is the smallest model in the Divin series and thus marks also the entry point to the entire loudspeaker portfolio from Goebel High End. The company owner explained that his distributors in non-European countries had wanted a less bulky loudspeaker, since some of the customers there had the audiophile demands, as well as the financial means, but not the space for larger sound transducers. Therefore, the main focus in the development of the Comtesse was to size down a large part of the sonic capabilities of the other representatives of the Divin line into a smaller cabinet volume. The crossover of the Comtesse is just as elaborately constructed as that of the next model up, the Marquis. The 8-inch long-throw woofer is similarly costly as the 12-inch chassis of this next larger model, while the midrange driver and the tweeter are identical and the savings due to the slightly smaller cabinet are almost negligible. This puts the Comtesse in the position to offer an unusually large amount of Goebel High End technology at a comparatively moderate price.

The Comtesse on its way, packed in a flight case on the stair climber
The Comtesse on its way, packed in a flight case on the stair climber

The midrange driver of the Divin Comtesse is an 8-inch chassis specially developed for the Bavarian high-end manufactory, into which, according to the product brochure, the patented Goebel® bending wave technology has been implemented. This is based on the principles of sound generation as known from musical instruments and is the result of over 15 years of development work, invested to achieve the most natural sound possible. The high-frequency spectrum is reproduced by an AMT chassis – or Air Motion Transformer – to which a waveguide milled from a solid block of aluminum has been adapted. The specific curve of this waveguide ensures that all drivers are flawlessly combined to create a homogeneous and natural sonic image. The low-frequencies are handled by a Goebel® 8-inch long-throw woofer, which has been designed to achieve perfectly homogeneous sound dispersion and equally homogeneous stimulation of room modes. This driver, specially manufactured for Goebel, was placed on the front baffle constructed according to the concept of “Constraint Layer Damping”, in which layers of different materials damp each other, in such a way that an absolutely smooth transition from the 8-inch midrange driver to the long-throw woofer’s low frequency band is achieved. The use of multi-layer, tropical-proof materials in the enclosure is intended to guarantee the ideal stiffness-damping behaviour ratio, and the chosen, purely functional form is said to eliminate any flexion, resonance or energy-storing effect.

The stair climber in action
The stair climber in action

The top-model of the Divin series, the Majestic, is delivered in six flight cases, as I once learned during a visit to the company headquarters. Even with Goebel High End's most affordable loudspeaker to date, the Comtesse, a flight case made in Germany is included in the scope of delivery. Oliver Goebel kindly brought an electric stair climber along to aid the delivery, so that the two speakers could be transported to the listening room without being carried by human hands. After they had found their approximate position in the tried-and-tested places and had been connected to Einstein's The Poweramp using Goebel speaker cables, I entrusted Oliver Goebel to the listening room with an iPad and access to the Qobuz streaming service. He simply needed a bit of peace and concentration to play his test tracks, as well as plenty of time to set up his speakers enabling them to develop their full potential. Well, another reason for my temporary retreat could, of course, be that there was a series of vocal tracks among his test files coming along...

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