At their well-organised press conference on the occasion of this year's High End in Munich, the Danish loudspeaker company Raidho presented the X1t Super Mini Monitor, the successor of the X1. Dirk Sommer and I spontaneously decided to order the speaker for a review.
I don't know whether it was due to the likeable and successful presentation conducted by Morton Nielsen, the Sales & Marketing Director of Raidho, or the convincing sonic performance of the X1t, or both. Even during the High End, I was asked several times by colleagues and acquaintances about the X1t: "Have you already been to Raidho, did you listen to the little Raidho there?" Quite obviously, Raidho must have struck a nerve with many visitors there with the X1t: An exceedingly compact two-way speaker system that not only claims that a superior performance at the highest sonic level is not a question of size alone, but that can be integrated into normal living rooms with the elegantly designed curved speaker stands and that is located in a price region that still seems affordable, especially in comparison with the other Raidho speakers. Even though the X1t "only" marks the entry into the world of Raidho speakers, don't be fooled, this is a "real" high-end product through and through.
As Raidho manufactures everything in-house, the X1t does not go without exquisite ingredients, that you can't get off the shelf around every corner. Of course, the X1t is based on the legendary Raidho ribbon tweeter, which has become a characteristic feature of all Raidho speakers. Strictly speaking, this is a "semi" ribbon or magnetostat driver. The foil that forms the basis for this type of ribbon is said to be only 11 microns thick, weighing just 20 milligrams, making it many times lighter than conventional designs. In conjunction with powerful magnets, the result is said to be a clear and natural sound that is unparalleled and outstanding in this price range. In this context, Morton Nielsen revealed to me that the version installed in the X1t does not differ significantly from the types installed in their top-range models.
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