This output stage is further linearized by the feedback loop of a discrete current feedback amplifier, which has a bandwidth of about 60 kilohertz at minus three decibels with open loop and almost one megahertz at minus three decibels with closed loop. The bandwidth of 60 kilohertz in the open feedback loop was achieved by a two-pole compensation method. This flattens the distortion in the audio spectrum as the open-loop gain drops off at higher frequencies compared to the typical Miller compensation. On the contrary, the large open-loop bandwidth mentioned does not exist in headphone amplifiers incorporating ICs.
In addition, the internal power supply is Hypsos' technological legacy. It features low-noise switching regulators with two-stage input and output filtering, followed by linear low-drop voltage regulators (LDO) with a fast transient response. For better channel separation, there are separate LDOs for both channels. Furthermore, the OOR features two DC inputs: a classic 2.5/5.5-millimeter DC jack plug and a 4-pin WEIPU plug, the same as on the Hypsos. To allow the use of the second option when purchasing a Hypsos, Ferrum includes with it a special power link cable with four-pin WEIPU connectors on both sides. When a normal cable is used, the "4-Terminal Sensing Design" (4TSD) feature in the Hypsos measures the voltage at the cable output, whereas with the FPL cable, the voltage is measured directly on the OOR’s main board. This allows the Hypsos to further stabilize the voltage in the current path.
There are eight independent main power rails in the OOR. For the amplifiers in the output stage, there are independent ±20 volt rails for both channels, based on low-noise, fast, linear low-drop voltage regulators. For the preamplifier stage, there are ±15-volt rails, also independent for both channels and based on linear LDOs. The ±20 volt rails of the LDOs are fed by switching converters that come up with two-stage filters at the input and output. The voltage at the output of the switching converters is approximately ±21.5 volts. Finally, there is an additional power rail just for the front LED, which is powered directly from the input power supply. The OOR features a six-layer circuit board. It has two layers just for the grounding surfaces. There are three groundings on the OOR: Signal ground, switching converter ground, and input power supply ground. These groundings and the power rails are separated by common mode chokes to further attenuate the high frequency common mode noise provenient from switching converters and the input power supply.
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