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Ayon S-10 II

01.05.2020 // Roland Dietl

The extensive connection panel leaves nothing to be desired
The extensive connection panel leaves nothing to be desired

Apropos modules: Ayon’s modular concept with different configuration levels firstly offered with the S 10 is also available for the S 10 II. In the “Signature” version in the analogue section of the S 10 II the eight coupling capacitors are replaced by especially high-quality types. In my test device there were mounted capacitors of the type Mundorf MCap Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil and Jantzen SilverGold Z-Cap. There is almost nothing better and more expensive. But who once has listened with his own ears how enormously influential the coupling capacitors are on the sound quality, will agree with me, that in this case it is really worth the money invested. In addition, in this version the digital side is amended by a DSD-converter module, that converts all PCM signals of up to 24bit/192khz into DSD signals. Here one has the possibility to choose between DSD128 and DSD256. Of course, for native DSD signals this possibility is bypassed. This module was another reason for the choice of the AKM 4490, as to Ayon’s opinion both modules work together particularly well. In connection with this further improvement of the DSD converter module it was possible to once more significantly top up the tonal overall result.

The interior of the S-10 II. The modular structure is clearly visible: left the power supply, right the analogue tube amplifier stage, in the center below the server module with hard disk and above the DSD converter module
The interior of the S-10 II. The modular structure is clearly visible: left the power supply, right the analogue tube amplifier stage, in the center below the server module with hard disk and above the DSD converter module

It is completely new, that the S 10 II now can be upgraded with a server unit with variable disc capacity. The idea behind this is to offer a one-stop high quality solution also to non-computer- or network-oriented audiophiles. At Ayon, when it comes to streaming, one really is no newbie but can built on 15 years’ experience. It is precisely for that reason one knows even better the pitfalls when installing a streaming solution at home that quickly can lead to proper frustrating experiences. And, what is the use of the best networkplayer, when the streaming solution does not work or has a shabby sound? Therefore, every Ayon S 10 II is accompanied by an exemplary own manual to setup an infrastructure for networkplayers, an invaluable source for the non-computer skilled music lover. The manual gives hints for the network installation and the choice of the required hardware components. Moreover, it contains superbly made configuration guidelines for important programs such as JRiver, Audirvana, foobar2000, Minim Server, and Roon. Following exactly the recommendations of the manual one can be sure to install a good streaming solution. Nonetheless, the whole remains complicated. As our tests in hifistatement show, the tonal effect of the components used in a network such as router, switch or LAN-cable must not be underestimated just as little as the music server, the optimization of its operating system, or the correct setup of the used player software. Good sound in the streaming environment simply means significant effort. Just quickly connect a PC or notebook is not enough. Not least because of this there are always undesired surprises when comparing the tonal results of excellent CD-players with a carelessly composed streaming solution. Here, almost always the advantage is with the CD-player.

The big R-Core transformer
The big R-Core transformer

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