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Accustic Arts Mono II

25.08.2017 // Dirk Sommer

The shielded ring core transformer provides two balanced voltages for the output stage as well as for the input and driver stages
The shielded ring core transformer provides two balanced voltages for the output stage as well as for the input and driver stages

In comparison with Einstein's The Poweramp there is not much of a quality difference, the sonic discrepancies linger in the range of nuances: The Poweramp performs a touch faster and minimally warmer, whereas the Accustic Arts manage to open up a soundstage at least as large and open, if not more widely spaced. The solid-state monos also indulge with minimal more pressure and control in the lows, but the temperature in the recording room seems to be one or two degrees lower. As you can guess it, this is about very subtle matters of taste. Far less subtle are the differences in power rating that the Mono II and Einsteins are able to offer. I must say, I am perfectly happy with both!

Accustic Arts is committed to the highest quality standards
Accustic Arts is committed to the highest quality standards


The Accustic Arts look great and are excellently finished. They sound the way you want it from a small, fine high-end power amp. But they aren’t: These power plants provide impressive 500 watts of power at 4 ohms. Combining that much power with such a smooth, coherent sound is really something special. My greatest respect! What was it you said about the Mono III…?
Listened with
Reel-to-reel tape recorder Studer A80
Turntable Brinkmann LaGrange with tube power supply
Tonearms Thales Simplicity, AMG 12JT Turbo, Einstein The Tonearm
Cartridges Lyra Olympos and Etna, Einstein The Pickup
Phono preamp Einstein The Turntable‘s Choice (balanced)
NAS Melco N1ZH/2, WDMyCloud
Streaming Bridge Auralic Aries Femto with SBooster BOTW P&P Eco
D/A converter Chord DAVE
Preamp Einstein The Preamp
Power amps Ayon Epsilon with KT150 tubes, Einstein The Poweramp
Loudspeakers Kaiser Acoustics Kawero! Classic
Cables HMS Gran Finale Jubilee, Swiss Cables Reference Plus, Goebel High End Lacorde, Habst Ultra III, Audioquest Diamond and Carbon, Cardas Audio Clear Network
Accessoires PS Audio Power Regenerator P5, Clearaudio Matrix, Sun Leiste, Audioplan Powerstar, HMS wall sockets, Acapella Bases, Acoustic System Feet and Resonators, Artesania Audio Esoteryc, Harmonix Real Focus, Room Tuning Disks, Tuning Tips and TU-666M, Audio Exklusiv Silentplugs
Manufacturer's Specifications
Accustic Arts Mono II
Voltage gain 31,0 dB
Transformer rating max. 1200 VA (watts)
Filter capacity approx. 80,000 μF
Input impedance 2 x 20 kΩ (balanced, XLR), 100 kΩ (un-balanced, RCA)
Output power max. 700 watts at 2 Ω, max. 500 watts at 4 Ω, max. 300 watts at 8 Ω
Rise/fall time 3,0 μs at 4 Ω load (square wave 20 kHz/12 Vss)
Crosstalk attenuation 111 dB at 1 kHz
Signal-to-noise ratio -104 dBA (at 6,325 V)
Intermodulation distortion 0,007 % at 10 watts/4 Ω
Harmonic distortion (THD+N) 0,0012 % at 4 Ω load (1 kHz/10 Watt)
Power consumption approx. 100 watts (in standby mode)
Dimensions (H/W/D) 350/240/430 mm
Weight approx. 25 kg
Price 16,000 euros
Address Hoher Steg 7
74348 Lauffen
Phone +49 7133 974770
Email info@accusticarts.de
Web www.accusticarts.de

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