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Legacy Audio Signature SE Premium

16.12.2016 // Wolfgang Kemper

The conical midrange driver, which takes over below the dual AMT drivers, and works down to 180 Hertz, uses a cast-aluminum basket and a very strong magnet. It is installed in a separate, closed housing chamber inside the speaker. The seven-inch woven membrane is made of pressed silver-titanium-graphite fibers to avoid partial oscillation and to achieve similar impulse accuracy as the dual AMT. As with the two woofers, there is a phase plug in the center of the membrane to prevent unwanted frequency response dips, which otherwise may occur depending on the cone diameter. The Signature SE's two 10-inch-long-throw woofers feature a powerful magnetic drive to allow for a precise low frequency control down to 22 Hertz. The Solen capacitors of the crossover are connected via silver wire from Kimber Kable to the AMTs. The remaining components are connected point to point by oxygen-free copper wire. The acoustic insulation of the cabinet is done with polyester-fiber. The included black chromed brass spikes can be screwed into the 4 rubber-feet.

…and the strong magnetic drive
…and the strong magnetic drive

The rear port terminal has binding posts for bananas, spades and bare wire cables. The two pair allow the Signature to be used in bi-wiring or bi-amping mode. They are factory-connected by massive copper bridges. For the listening test I used the van-den-Hul-D-352-Hybrid-cable, which was recommended and delivered by Wolf Tiling. The control panel of the Signature SE has two toggle switches titled "Trim" to adjust the AMTs and the two woofers by two decibels. Through these, the speakers can reduce the stimulation of room modes or be adjusted to the personal taste. The switches cause only quantitative, but no qualitative changes. In my personal music room, I liked it best to keep the AMTs switch on the linear position and to decrease the woofers by two decibels. During my listening I also tried out different configurations, but always reverted back to the described set-up.

The cabinet of the Signature SE in the premium version impresses with the finest of surfaces. The multiple layer Black-Pearl finish of the tested speakers isn't only high quality, but also original. There are lots of silver-grey speckles mixed into the black lacquer, which draws the attention away from dust that will inevitably set on the speakers. Technically, and thus sonically, the Premium version is identical to the other versions of the Signature SE. If you like one of the five standard surfaces, which also includes black oak, you can save 600€ per pair compared to the premium version. On the other hand, you can also get the Signature SE in exotic finishes for 400€ extra. But the Signature is not only a brilliant piece of craftsmanship on the surface. Thanks to the extensive knowledge of woodworking and joinery that Jacob Albright brought into the firm, the Signature SE is both pleasant to look at and provides rigid casing. Internal bracing supports the one-inch thick MDF-cabinet. The sloping front doesn't only prevent standing waves but also adds to the living room friendly look. The speakers play well in smaller rooms, and thanks to the closed cabinet, they still perform great when positioned near to a wall, which may not be the case with some vented cabinets.

The two woofers are working jointly in the low frequencies
The two woofers are working jointly in the low frequencies

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