
Acapella Audio Arts

03.10.2016 // Dirk Sommer, Helmut Baumgartner

The LaMusika integrated amp is a wolf in sheep's clothing: it doesn't only shine with a component tolerance of one thousandth, but is also able to generate up to two kilowatts of pulse power
The LaMusika integrated amp is a wolf in sheep's clothing: it doesn't only shine with a component tolerance of one thousandth, but is also able to generate up to two kilowatts of pulse power

It's not that in the 22 years that I've now been living in Bavaria I haven't been back to Audio Forum. At exhibitions I've met Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Winters regularly, and I found myself breaking my golden rule of never listening at exhibitions in front of an Acapella chain. But here it wasn't about the impossible task of evaluating one or another individual component in unknown surroundings. Hermann Winters and Alfred Rudolph always ensure—whether it's in a showroom at the exhibition or at the customer's home—that they create a harmonious overall concept. And this is why I found myself at one or another "hi-fi deluxe Show" relaxed in the Acapella room enjoying music, instead of racing from one appointment to the next.

The big brother of the integrated amp: the amplifier is powered by 380 Volts AC current, gets its energy from the nine transformers and has an output of two times four kilowatts
The big brother of the integrated amp: the amplifier is powered by 380 Volts AC current, gets its energy from the nine transformers and has an output of two times four kilowatts

An extensive visit to the Audio Forum during a visit to the Ruhr area was without any time constraints. On my way from Dortmund to Duisburg, I made a small detour to Düsseldorf airport to pick up Helmut Baumgartner. As to putting the shiny Acapella loudspeakers in their photographic limelight I don't really trust myself; to do this it really needs a professional. Naturally Baumgartner knows the imposing showroom from the internet appearance (here's the link), and doesn't want to believe that this showroom is behind this very non descriptive shop in the Koloniestrasse 203. But for Acapella it was never about the outward appearance of their store. From what we experienced in talks with Hermann Winters and Alfred Rudolph, I can only tell you about one thing, even if it's the main thing. No, it wasn't a discussion about confidential company secrets, even if there's such a thing. After talking in a large group for a while, both of them quickly realised that Helmut Baumgartner knew at least as much about hi-fi and high-end audio as he did about photography. And this is why I was absorbed in my talk with Alfred Rudolph in the entrance area, whilst my photographer colleague was exchanging views with Hermann Winters; or after dismantling the lights I was listening to his favourite records streamed by The Beast, whilst Helmut Baumgartner was talking shop together with Alfred Rudolph in the neighbouring room.

The power amp from behind: bottom left the AC current socket
The power amp from behind: bottom left the AC current socket

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